Thursday, August 27, 2009

/Join #crowd

Text-based relationships aren't really that difficult. That's how I first came to know Jesus. The technologies are changing but the metrics are the same. Knowing who to trust when all you know about them is what you read is the reciprocal of knowing what to type into a text box. Trust me.

The web's largest congregation of free and open source software developers still resides on freenode. The network has been there for years as it evolved from #linpeople and #openprojects on EFnet in the mid '90s into LinPeople, then OPN - the Open Projects Network and since '02 has been known as freenodew:freenode. The same channels, same personalities, same languages, all still there. Most of the Linux, BSD, Mozilla, Apache, and all kinds of other open code was either developed, improved, supported and discussed there all along. It's a comfy "place" for me and the irc protocol is just fine. Twitter, facebook, and the other premiums will grab the headlines, but is still the real-time core that makes all this other fluff workable.

I'm on #ozonefarm as yeoman

If you don't have an IRC client installed, just use freenode's webchat service.

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